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  • ESF Campania Regional Operational Programme, Businesses Available for On-the-Job Training and Apprenticeship Programmes

    The call is designed for those businesses with at least one operational office located in Campania. The businesses shall submit their application to Unioncamere Campania by 12.00 of 11 November 2013

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  • Amendment for the Interregional Postgraduate Training Catalogue

    Amendment concerning “Ratification of the provisional ranking of beneficiaries” for the training vouchers request by graduate unemployed people who are resident in the Campania region.

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  • “De minimis" aids for firms’ ICT innovation

    Published in the Official Journal of Regione Campania the final results of the call about the “de minimis” aids for firms’ ICT.

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  • Interregional Postgraduate Training Catalogue

    Provisional ranking of beneficiaries for the training vouchers applications submitted by graduate unemployed people who are resident in the Campania region.

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  • School Building: Renovation and Safety Setting of State Schools

    Ranking. With the Managerial Decree n. 107 of 14/10/2013 the sector "Education" of the Agc 17 has approved the rankings of the projects presented by Local Bodies.

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  • School Building, Urgent Measures for Redevelopment and Safety Setting

    With the Managerial Decree the Agc 17 has approved the ranking of the projects presented by Local Bodies.

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