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  • Bad Weather, Civil Protection in Campania

    The Civil Protection Department of Regione Campania, led by Edoardo Cosenza, reports about an expected weather warning due to rainfalls and thunderstorms from tonight and tomorrow.

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  • Centres to Support Separate Collection of Urban Waste

    The sector for "Information and Assessment Monitoring" of the General Coordination Area 21 issued an open notice for the establishment or the enlargement of Collection Centres to Support Separate Collection of Urban Waste for Campania Municipalities

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  • Collection Centres to Support Separate Collection of Urban Waste

    Open notice for the establishment or the enlargement of Collection Centres to Support Separate Collection of Urban Waste for Campania Municipalities

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  • Civil Protection in Campania, Weather Warning for Rain and Thunderstorms

    The regional Operations Room issued a warning notice for bad weather conditions and criticalities for the hydrogeological and hydraulic risk

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  • "Teatri del Tempo Presente"

    It has been disposed the ranking of the fundable project, the eligible requests and their scores.

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  • Technological Innovation in Transportation Systems (INSIST)

    The public competition for the assignment of one annual scholarshipis announced by the Consorzio di Ricerca su Sistemi di Telesensori Avanzati (Research Consortium for Advanced Telesensory Systems).

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