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  • Laboratorio "Governance e organizzazione di un Sistema Territoriale di Sviluppo (STS)"

    La giornata consisterà in un Workshop integrato fra i due STS, di confronto dei risultati delle analisi realizzate nella prima giornata e d’individuazione di un modello organizzativo e delle possibili azioni da realizzare per la sua effettiva implementazione.

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  • Call for the removal of waste at Filigalardi – Municipality of Battipaglia (Sa)

    the call for tender for the removal, the transportation and the disposal of waste present at Filigalardi in the Municipality of Battipaglia (Sa) has been published

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  • Training Course for Tour Promoter

    The education institute Università popolare della Magna Grecia "Thiasos" arranges a 600 hour course for "Tour Promoter" addressing immigrants, and their relatives, who live in the Campania region, with a stay permit.

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  • Call for Proposals Measure 223 of the Rural Development Programme - "Afforestation of Non-Agricultural Lands"

    AGC (General Coordination Area) Primary Sector Development has adopted the call for proposals for the implementation of Measure 223 under the Rural Development Programme for the period for for the period 2007-2013" "Afforestation of Non-Agricultural Lands"  

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  • Call for Proposals Measure 121 of the Rural Development Programme - "Afforestation of Agricultural Lands"

    AGC (General Coordination Area) Primary Sector Development has adopted the call for proposals for the implementation of Measure 221 under the Rural Development Programme for the period 2007-2013 "Afforestation of Agricultural Lands".   

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  • Call for Proposals Measure 332 of the Rural Development Programme -"Village development and renewal"

    Total financial appropriation for Measure 332 is 30,000,000 Euros 

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