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  • " Participation Spring" Launch of Antenna Campania- Sorrento

    The event “Participation Spring” will be held tomorrow the 19th of April 2013 at the Tasso Theatre in Sorrento (Naples) The event aims at launching the project of the establishment of the regional Antenna Campania – Sorrento.  

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  • Submission Notice for “Payments to farmers in mountain areas or in areas with handicaps”

    AGC(General Coordination Area) Primary Sector Development issue the notice to submit grant/payment application to implement Measure 211 “Payments to farmers in mountain areas” and Measure 212 “Payments to farmers in areas with handicaps other than mountain areas” under the Rural Development...

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  • Call for proposals for development of new products, processes and technologies in the agricultural, food and forestry sector

    AGC (General Coordination Area) Primary Sector Development issued the call for proposals for Measure 124 under the Rural Development Programme for the period 2007-2013 "Development of new products, processes and technologies in the agricultural, food and forestry sector”.

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  • Candidates for OPD assignments

    The Area Advisory Board art. 24 of the Local Health Unit of Salerno set the publication of the “Final Classification of MD Candidates for OPD assignments” for 2012

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  • Authorizations for chauffeur driven car hire

    The Municipality of Angri (Salerno) called an open competitive exam based on qualification and examination to issue to natural persons 15 authorizations for chauffer driven car hire service with up to 9 seat vehicles; two authorizations will be reserved for transport of disabled people.  

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  • Establishement of the Single Municipality of Montoro

    The President of the Regional Executive Board by decree no. 89 of 2 April 2013, under the provisions of the Regional Executive Board resolution no.87 of 26 March 2013, called meetings on 26 and 27 May 2013 for the referendum on the following bill: "Establishment of the Single Municipality of Montoro by...

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