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  • Subsidy for Interniships for Health and Social Care Assistants

    Extended to 12 am of 30 June 2013 the deadline of the applications for a subsidy for internships for health and social care assistants.

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  • Occupational Safety, Risk Prevention and Training

    The Regional Administration for Employment and training allocates 2 million Euros to firms, in order to invest in occupational safety, risk prevention and most of all continuing training of employees and employers.

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  • Campania Regional Agency for the Soil Protection: Completion of regeneration and recovery of River Sarno

    Arcadis (Campania Regional Agency for the Soil Protection) has called  an open procedure for the entrustment of the analytical research services aimed at the proper management of the materials deriving from the excavation and reshaping activities.

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  • Replacement for the Council of CCIAA (Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Craftsmanship and Agriculture) of Caserta

    Determination of the number of members for business and union organisations and consumers' representatives

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  • Care for People with Mental Distress

    Residential and low-intensity care services list

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  • Technological Innovation in Transportation Systems (INSIST)

    Open call for 2 scholarships for projects in the Automotive and Aerospace sectors.

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