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Education, Caldoro: “500 million Euros for Actions in Support of Campania Schools”

Education, Caldoro: “500 million Euros for Actions in Support of Campania Schools”

The so called “Progetto Mille Scuole” is the biggest public investment of Regione Campania as President of the regional Government Stefano Caldoro has stated this morning on the occasion of the press conference held at Palazzo Santa Lucia.

500 million Euros are available and the programme has also a deadline set by 2015 – Mr. Caldoro remarked. In details, 325 million Euros have been allocated to strenghten school facilities; 25 for child care centres; 30 for project managing services; 18 come from the so called “decreto del fare” (action decree); and last, 100 for school building adjustment in accordance with the provisions on school buildingspPlan that is about to be completed by the Government led by Letta. “The largest part of the resources comes from regional funds of the ERDF POR (Regional Operative Programme) 2013; another part from school PON (National Operational Programme)”: President Caldoro emphasized. “The project has three stages: the first stage is a soft stage, as I call it, and it deals with equipment and labs”. The second stage aiMs. at “small interventions to implement safety measures and energy efficiency”. And finally, the third stage concerning safety for building, with 18 million Euros coming from the Government.

Regional Minister for Education Caterina Miraglia and General Director of the School Office for Campania Diego Bouchè joined the conference too.

Presentation of School POR Funds, Stefano Caldoro Interviewed