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  • PIU Europa, from Regione Campania 100 Additional Million to 19 Municipalities

    President of the Regional Executive Board Stefano Caldoro has signed this afternoon a document of intent with the Mayors of 19 medium-sized cities of Campania for the use of 100 additional million € for the implementation of the PIU Europa programme.

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  • Archaeological Park in Nola, Caldoro: "A good example of urban regeneration"

    President of Regione Campania, Stefano Caldoro, participated in the opening ceremony of the urban archaeological park in Nola. 10 thousand squared metres that include a multi-functional building, a parking area and an archaeological site.

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  • Renzi in Naples, Caldoro: “Three proposals to the Prime Minister for a real change”

    “Healthcare, European funds, reforms”. These are the three proposals that President of Regione Campania, Stefano Caldoro, submitted in a video message addressed to Prime Minister Matteo Renzi. 

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  • Hippocratic Oath, Caldoro: “We are working together to restart turnover”

    Over a thousand people have met this morning at the Teatro Mediterraneo of the Mostra d’Oltremare for the Hippocratic Oath to be taken by the medicine and dentistry newly graduates of Naples and its province.

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  • Food Safety, Caldoro: “The food on our table is definitely safe”

    New labs for food inspections at the Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale del Mezzogiorno in Portici. President of Regione Campania, Stefano Caldoro, and the Institute’s Commissioner Antonio Limone cut their ribbon.  

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  • Castellammare di Stabia, Caldoro: “Building a closer relation with Europe to overcome crisis”

    President of Regione Campania, Stefano Caldoro, participated in the meeting about the European elections held at the Palazzetto del Mare in Castellammare di Stabia. 

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