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  • Earthquake in Campania, 56 Million for Concerned Municipalities

    Safety measures settings for public buildings and prevention of natural risks. These are the main issues of the agreement signed today at palazzo Santa Lucia, between President of Regione Campania Stefano Caldoro and the Mayors of damaged Municipalities. 

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  • Pozzuoli, Caldoro: "After 50 years we return cathedral of Rione Terra to faithfuls"

    President of Regione Campania, Stefano Caldoro, participated in the ceremony to re-open the Cathedral San Procolo Martire in Pozzuoli, in the Rione Terra area to the faithfuls. 

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  • Healthcare, Caldoro: “Deficit reduced to zero. First time for finances in surplus”

    From a deficit of 853 million € in 2009 to  +6,1 million € in 2013. These are the figures of the healthcare current situation in Campania reported at the Sala Giunta of Palazzo Santa Lucia, by President of Regione, Stefano Caldoro.

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  • Garanzia Giovani, Caldoro: “A transparent system for labour market”

    The Campania youth from 15 to 29 years old have 650 million € at their disposal for the labour market supporting actions. Resources address those approximately 4000 people who do not work, study or attend a training or education programme.  

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  • Music Education for 350 Young People

    Many young people take part in the "Sing, Play and Walk. Music in sacred places” project set up by an agreement between the Diocese and Regione Campania in the context of the special 2011 Naples Jubilee.

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  • Valle Caudina, Caldoro: “Local Administrators have extraordinary potentials”

    President of Regione Campania Stefano Caldoro participated in a meeting in Montesarchio with the Mayors of the Valle Caudina area. 

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