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The Broadband connection is an essential infrastructure to allow the diffusion and fruition of advanced digital services also in the most isolated geographical areas and more exposed to the “digital divide”, the exclusion deriving from the impossibility to use the new digital technologies.

Regione Campania has concluded a detailed mapping of the territories of Campania that need broadband services.

The results – available in the attachment – are the outcome of a public consultation that saw the direct involvement of national landline/mobile telephone companies and of local and satellite internet connection operators, in addition to citizens, firms and public administrations of Campania.

The public consultation, started last 13 December by the Regional Administration of Scientific Research, ended on 27 January, and is a fundamental part of the project “Allarga la rete” that will be presented by Regione Campania to the European Union.

The expected funding is 50 million Euros.