Information Society
The Information Society is the society in which we live today, characterised by a more and more relevant role played by information in the economy, so as to be considered a “strategic re source” for production.
Application Cooperation
The project SPICCA deals with the realisation of the Public System of Interoperability and Application Cooperation in Campania.
Digit Campania
DigitCampania scarl is an in-house society of Regione Campania operating for the development and diffusion of Information Society and Media.
Action Plan and Interventions in Information & Communication Technology
The Plan for Information & Communication Technology (ICT) considers the realisation of new services with an investment of about 40 million Euros and fundamental news: SIIR, the Regional Integrated Information System.
Broadband connection
The Broadband connection is an essential infrastructure to allow the diffusion and fruition of advanced digital services also in the most isolated geographical areas and more exposed to the “digital divide”, the exclusion deriving from the impossibility to use the new digital technologies.