Grants for II Level Post Graduate Master Enrollment
The Directorate General for "University, Research and Innovation" approved the open announcement for the granting of scholarships to graduates for II Level Post Graduate Master Enrollment, through the contribution of the European Social Fund.
Selection of Innovative Ideas in Aerospace Sector
Campania Innovazione S.p.A. – Regional Agency for the Promotion of Research and Innovation – approved a public announcement to gather the best ideas of the aerospace sector, to support them with innovation and start-up services in order to speed up the development and setting up of new businesses.
Development of Networks of Excellence: assignment of annual scholarship
The activities of the annual scholarship is related to the development of embedded software for devices in the automotive sector with human-machine interface and tool supporting the development activities.
Innovazione ICT Campania Award
Eligible to the award projects based on the use of digital technologies, realised or in progress, by companies of Campania.
“De minimis" aids for firms’ ICT innovation
Published in the Official Journal of Regione Campania the final results of the call about the “de minimis” aids for firms’ ICT.
Technological Innovation in Transportation Systems (INSIST)
The public competition for the assignment of one annual scholarshipis announced by the Consorzio di Ricerca su Sistemi di Telesensori Avanzati (Research Consortium for Advanced Telesensory Systems).