The “Innovation Centre” call has been presented and allocates 75 million € (under the Campania ERDF Regional Operational Programme for the period 2007-2013 – Operational Objective 2.1) to foster competitiveness through research and innovation.
The action has been organized by Confindustria Benevento, in cooperation with Campania Innovazione S.p.A. – Regional Agency for the Promotion of Research and Innovation, within the Industrial Innovation Programme partnership. The meeting aims at studying and explaining in details the available promotion tool.
The application form can be submitted on 5 May.
The measure, designed for SMEs and research authorities, features three implementation modes:
• Cultural and Creative Lab Projects to develop excellence productions networks in one or more creative industry sectors that, by using key enabling technologies, aim at developing new highly cultural content products.
• Campania Start-up to promote and support the establishment and development in the region of new innovative businesses, with a high knowledge content, based on the economic promotion of research results and/or the development of products and services based on new technologies.
• Cooperative and first industrialisation technological transfer Projects for highly potential businesses to support the development of innovative SMEs, already operating in the region, through cooperative structured first industrialisation technological transfer processes that, as to complete regional technological sectors, are pivotal for the development of a regional innovation system and for competitiveness, also in an international context
Campania Innovazione will provide information and animation service about the call “Innovation Centre”.
A 75 million € investment to promote competitiveness through Research and Innovation.