Today, at the Auditorium of Regione Campania, Isola C3 of the Centro Direzionale of Naples, the information Portal of integrated monitoring of the Basin Authority Campania Sud has been presented.
The Regional Information Portal of Integrated Monitoring (PITMI) of the Regional Basin Authority Campania Sud and the Interregional Authority for the Hydrographic Basin of the Sele river aims to guarantee the sharing and transfer of data in security among the various actors involved in the system (Municipalities, Provinces, Authorities, Regions and Ministries), ensuring the complete availability of the information possessed to the citizen; at the same time, to create a reliable information support for the quality of the decisional processes; to pursue a plan of progressive integration, in an organic way, of the data capital of the Authority.
During the workshop, organised by the Regional Basin Authority Campania Sud and Interregionale Sele, hydrogeological and hydraulic risk and citizens’ safety have been discussed.
“Thanks to the new organisational model of the Information Portal of the Regional Basin Authority Campania Sud new services for citizens and for authorities will be available”, said Guido Trombetti, vice-president of Regione Campania responsible for Innovation.
“Just to make a few examples, it will be possible to consult documents concerning the hydrogeological system and coastal erosion, to read cartographies informing about the risk of landslide and floods.
“The Portal fulfil the necessity to realise e-government, that is more efficiency and efficacy in the activities of Public Administrations. Furthermore, it eliminates duplications and integrates the information coming from different authorities. The data collected in the portal are certified, and this fact guarantees their proper functioning, together with their continuous updating”, the vice-president Trombetti concluded.
“With the Regional Information System – said the Regional Minister for Public Works Edoardo Cosenza – we make a first step forward in the building of the region’s safety. Each authority involved in the process of defence from hydrogeological and hydraulic risk will be able to insert the possessed data and directly access those that are already available by the Basin Authority Campania Sud – Interregionale Sele. In this way, on one hand we realise the simplification of the procedures, and on the other hand we let the citizens have an immediate perception and consciousness of the natural risks of their territory. The process for a transparent, efficient and citizen-friendly region continues, for having the more and more safety as for hydrogeological risk. Thanks to the regional information System we make a step forward in the building of the region’s safety”.
“Today – underlined the Regional Minister of Local Autonomies, Tourism and Cultural Heritage Pasquale Sommese – with the Information Portal of integrated monitoring of the Basin Authority Campania Sud we add another tile in the complex reformation system of Local Autonomies. The pathway, begun years ago by the Regional Ministry of Local Autonomies, has acknowledged the need, shared by the various actors of local development, to realise a systemic action aimed at the reinforcement of the local government and, at the same time, at the valorisation of the competencies of the regional government in coordinating policies for the territory. We are definitely moving in this direction”.
“This is a much advanced and demanding IT infrastructure, intended to offer services to all authorities involved and to the whole community”, said Stefano Sorvino, commissioner of the Basin Authority Campania Sud-Interregionale Sele. “The Information System is useful for development of activities for soil protection and planning of the hydrogeological system, in line with local authorities and all the other administrations of the region. In this way we make the management of risk more efficient and effective”.
The debatewas chaired by the president of the Journalist Association of Campania Ottavio Lucarelli. The commissioner of the Basin Authority Campania Centrale Pasquale Marrazzo attended the meeting.