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EU Funds, Sommese: “We support local partnerships and Municipalities”

EU Funds, Sommese: “We support local partnerships and Municipalities”

A meeting to re-organize local Autonomies system, after the European Union new regional organization and guidelines about the use of structural funds both for re-planning for the period 2007-2013 and for 2020 goals, took place in Palazzo Santa Lucia.  

A meeting to re-organize local Autonomies system, after the European Union new regional organization and guidelines about the use of structural funds both for re-planning for the period 2007-2013 and for 2020 goals, took place in Palazzo Santa Lucia. 

President of the Socio-economic Partnership taskforce Luciano Schifone, Managing Authority of the ESF Campania POR (Regional Operational Plan) Giuseppe Carannante, President of the Federation of Local Autonomies Nino Daniele, representatives from ANCI Maria Laura Esposito and from the Lega delle Autonomie Osvaldo Cammarota, President of ANCPI Arturo Manera, Vice president of EuroIdees Emanuele Daluisio, Vice president of Formez Andrea Losco attended the meeting chaired by Regional Minister for Local Autonomies Pasquale Sommese.

Through this taskforce, the guidelines arisen from the workshop supported by Regione and the Federation of Local Autonomies of Campania last March about territorial adjustment of development and cohesion policy are being implemented. The developed operational Plan for a consistent use of ESF resources has two main directions: the establishment of local Partnerships inside the 45 Territorial Development Systems (STS) Plan based on similar areas and on main vocation provided by the Regional Territorial. The aim, in agreement with the regional Partnership Taskforce, is to set up strategies of local development for territorial integrated investments. The second direction moves towards the establishment of associations among Municipalities for the management of functions and local public services able to deliver a further efficiency; on the other hand, costs for public administration will be reduced.

Regional Minister Sommese said: “A new phase for territorial governance is about to start. We are well aware that today more than ever the current institutional and administrative organization is not adequate but expensive (551 Municipalities, 5 Provinces, 117 Territorial Bodies, 30 subsidiaries) and we are starting to re-organize it in compliance with the new regional organization based on criteria of responsibility homogeneity and balance; we entrust in partnership Autonomies and organized territorial representations with a central role to play with regards to both development policy and re-planning of European resources”.

European Commission is asking us to do that, through the new tool of the partnership contract providing the sharing of strategies with local and citizen authorities, economic and social stakeholders and the civil society authorities. And Regione, thanks to the new organizational department model, is ready to immediately implement EU guidelines. We will keep on working hard, in agreement with President Caldoro, the relevant regional Ministers and the regional Partnership, to make this reform come true. We aim at an organization with Mayors sitting at the same table to decide about citizens’ services, in compliance with law no. 13 on Regional Territorial Plan, and that is able to deliver useful high quality and less expensive performances for all – Mr. Sommese added.