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Relations with LocalL Autonomies

“Relations with local autonomies” Sector is designated to promote implementation of administration decentralization, from the managing point of view, and handles, in a dynamic way, the relations with the System of Local Autonomies. Particularly:  

  • It finances development plans of Upland Authorities and all actions provided for by the Integrated Plan of the Island of Campania archipelago;
  • It manages institutional relations with Local Authorities in order to foster the associated action of municipal services; it carries out information, siding and support activity for Local Authorities in order to enhance their planning, drafting, monitoring and assessment capacity of actions for local development;
  • It supplies technical and operational support for the Standing Conference of Regione and Local Autonomies of Campania, as a body addressing the promotion of direct action of Local Authorities to define regional policies;
  • In compliance with article 14 of the Presidential Decree no. 616 of 1977, it has the power to recognize legal persons governed by Private Law for private associations, foundations and institutions that work in the fields covered by regional jurisdiction and whose statutory aims cover a single Region (article 117 Constitution).