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Standing Conference of Regione and Local Autonomies of Campania

The Standing Conference of Regione and Local Autonomies is the institutional coordination and assessment body of Regions and Provinces, Municipalities and Upland Authorities.

The Conference expresses opinions and drafts proposals about issues concerning functions and tasks of Local Bodies.

The Standing Conference of Regione and Local Autonomies of Campania was set up by Regional Law no. 26 of 28 November 1996 at the Presidency of the Regional Executive Board.

The Decree of the President of the Regional Executive Board no. 6676 of 4 July 2000 set its composition and established the Relation with Local Bodies Sector as its main reference structure.

The Conference is chaired by the President of the Regional Executive Board and it is composed of:

  •  the Members of the Executive Board responsible for the agenda items
  •  the Presidents of Provinces
  • the Mayors of the Provincial Capitals
  • two Mayors of average cities, selected by ANCI (Italian Association of Municipalities)
  • two Mayors or Presidents of Upland Authorities, selected by UNCEM (National Association of Upland Municipalities and Authorities)
  • two Mayors of Municipalities of the islands, selected by ANCIM (National Association of Small Island Municipalities)
  •  three Representatives of the Associations of Local Autonomies.

Moreover within the constitution of the Council of Autonomies, the Resolution no. 842 of 8 July 2005 sets the Standing Conference of Regione and Local Autonomies of Campania as the occasion to carry out the institutional partnership on public action policy based on the principle of “perfect harmony” among all members of the Conference.