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East Naples, Call Published for More than 15 million Euros

East Naples, Call Published for More than 15 million Euros

The call for the urban and environmental upgrading of Via Galileo Ferraris, Via Brecce a Sant'Erasmo, Via Gianturco and Via Nuova delle Brecce was published in the European Official Journal. The tender for the first works included in the Major projects of East Naples financed with 2007/2013 POR Regional European funds will start.

The call was published yesterday by the Municipality of Naples as the project beneficiary.

The tender concerns the executive design and the implementation of works for 11.1 million Euros and for a total of 15.5 million Euros.

Works consist of the adjustment of roads, lighting system and the upgrading of underpasses.

Submissions to be delivered by 21 October.

Regional Minister Edoardo Cosenza, strategic coordinator of Major Projects, highlighted: “Tenders concerning Major projects published in the European Official Journal in the last 50 days (Blue flag-Domitian Coast 80 Million €, Phlegrean Lakes 65 Million €, Broad band 122 Million €) reach more than 282 million €”.

Councillor of the Municipality of Naples responsible for the sector Mario Calabrese added: “An important achievement that soon will conclude a very long road where the willingness of Administrations of all Authorities and parties concerned played a key role. A first remarkable step that will allow to revamp and develop an area that has to become pivotal for the city”.

Mr. Cosenza and Mr. Calabrese explained: “The publication of this important call is the outcome of the strong institutional cooperation between Regione Campania and the Municipality of Naples, achived thanks to the relentless activity of the taskforce set up together with the Ministry for Economic Development and coordinated by Paola De Cesare. Our final aim is the complete infrastructural upgrading of East Naples to make further private investments and new production settlements possible, resulting in the creation of new jobs.”