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Major Projects, Second Call for Internal Areas of Salerno

Major Projects, Second Call for Internal Areas of Salerno

The call for tender concerning the Group 4 of the Major European Project for environmental rehabilitation of surface water bodies of the Province of Salerno was published in the European Journal. The total amount for these interventions is 12 million and 234 thousand Euros.

This is the second call after that concerning works of Group 2, put out to tender on 13 August for 10 million and 911 thousand Euros.

Thus, time schedule for the implementation of such a key Major Project from the environmental point of view have been adhered to.

By publishing these calls, works have been started officially for more than 342 million in the last two months for the Major Projects called Blue flag-Domitian Coast, Phlegrean Lakes, Broad band, East Naples and Internal Areas Purification, besides this that concerns the Rehabilitation of the areas in the Province of Salerno that is worthy 89 million and 858 thousand Euros in total.

Regional Minister Edoardo Cosenza, coordinator of Major Projects stated: “I am very satisfied with the adherence to this work time schedule, whose implementing party is the Province of Salerno. Regione carries on coordinating with the beneficiary authorities about the scheduled action compliance”.

Regional Minister for Environment of Campania Giovanni Romano recalled: “The Major European Project for environmental rehabilitation of surface water bodies of the Province of Salerno plays a key role from the environmental point of view for a land with a strong bias towards seaside tourism. Just think about the two territorial systems of the Amalfi and the Cilento Coast. The works envisaged by this Major Project focus on the improvement of the quality of sea waters through root actions, from the internal areas that often have sewage and purification plants to adjust. Particularly, this concerns the area of Cilento: Ascea, Camerota and Centola-Palinuro, namely the whole area of the rivers Fiumarello, Lambro and Mingardo”.