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Public Works, 4 Decrees Signed for Major Projects

Public Works, 4 Decrees Signed for Major Projects

Management decrees concerning eligible application to EU funds for Major Projects about environmental rehabilitation of Water Bodies in the Province of Salerno, the enhancement of Regi Lagni, the regional Conference Centre of Mostra d’Oltremare and the urban upgrading of the port area of East Naples were signed.

Four more Major projects and also key interventions for the enhancement of the resource of the sea, for territorial development and recovery of the regional economy. Already sixteen out of nineteen Major Projects were proven eligible to funding. The two decrees concerning the Port of Naples and the Port of Salerno, for which the notice for State Grants and EU grants is being prepared, and the Project about the Orbital Road of Internal Areas are still missing.

Regional Minister for Public Works of Campania, Edoardo Cosenza stated: “Approximately 610 million will be invested and as we sign these decrees the implementing parties, namely the Province of Salerno, Regione Campania and the Municipality of Naples, will be able to make the calls open immediately for the implementation of works”.