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Salerno Coast, Green Light to Coast Protection Plan

Salerno Coast, Green Light to Coast Protection Plan

Technical Regional Committee for contracts, chaired by Regional Minister for Public Works of Campania Edoardo Cosenza, approved the Salerno coast protection plan. The authorization arrived few days after the presentation of the plan of the Municipality of Salerno and one month after the signature of the Memorandum of Understanding that envisaged the allocation of 15 million Euros addressing interventions for the protection and the functional reorganization of one kilometre coast from Torre Angellara to the port of Marina di Arechi.

A strong momentum was given by the signature of the agreement and the start of funding by President of Regione Campania Stefano Caldoro who, as explained by regional Minister Cosenza “deems it as fundamental the cooperation among Institutions such as Regione and the Municipality of Salerno. Above all for the interventions concerning soil conservation in an area severely damaged over the last year due to sea storms”.

The Plan also sets forth the construction of a reef more than one kilometre long. Works will be implemented by the Municipality of Salerno.

Mr. Cosenza concluded: “Regione deemed it pivotal to speed up in order to ensure quick response time to protect our territory”.