Campania Innovazione S.p.A., with Regione Campania as sole partner, is the Regional Agency for the promotion of Research and Innovation.
It was instituted by the Resolution of the Regional Executive Board n. 177 of 29 April 2011 (published in the Official Journal of Regione Campania n. 36 of 13 June 2011) with which the statute of the company "Città della scienza S.p.A." and its denomination, changed into “Campania Innovazione S.p.A.".
The company has research promotion as sole social object, also in support of the processes for the transport of technology, at national and international level, mainly through institutional and public actions.
Campania Innovazione, an instrumental subject of Regione Campania, supports the Administration in the policies and actions for Research, Innovation and technological development, as a technical operational organisation and intermediary organism for the management of parts of special intervention programmes realised by Regione Authority.
I twill therefore be able to promote and organise, in associated form, a network of organisations, infrastructures, laboratories or centres dedicated to Research of industrial interest, to transfer of technology for Innovation, to protection and valorisation of intellectual property.
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