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  • People deprived of their liberty

    The article 34 of the Regional Law no. 11/07 sets forth that Regione, in agreement with the Ministry of Justice, through its offices, with Local Authorities and the concerned parties, promotes actions for adult groups that are convicted, internalised and deprived of their personal liberty.

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  • People with Disabilities

    Regione Campania promotes and supports the network of services, interventions and opportunities for people with disabilities, with the purpose of ensure their full right to citizenship through the protection of dignity, the establishment of conditions for equal opportunities and non-discrimination, the...

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  • Elderly People

    Consistently with the aims of the National Social Plan for Elderly People, and in compliance with articles 15 and 16 of the Law 328/00, Regione Campania from 2001 to date has been issuing, through several deeds of planning, the annual guidelines for local social planning for elderly people. 

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  • Residential Nursing Care with low intensity interventions for adults with mental distress

    It is hereby published the list of the advisory opinions about compliance issued by the regional Committee for Social and Healthcare cross-sectorial Assessment as for 31.12.2012, concerning Residential Nursing Care with low intensity interventions called Flat Group and Residential Community for adults...

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