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Minors and Family Responsibilities

The following features characterise families living in the Campania region:

  • A higher fertility and birth rate, compared with the national average, and an average higher number of family members, mainly minors;
  • High occurrence of people without a degree or with a low level of education, above all among older people but also among young women;
  • Important behavioural problems during adulthood that will modify constantly the family settings and will deeply affect the identification of those who are responsible for the support and survival of the family;
  • High number of families composed of new parents with a low level of education, or of single mothers with a low level of education, or recently immigrated, etc. (ISTAT source data).

The active support and promotion of parenthood roles and functions, as well as the policies for socially endangered children are a top priority for Regione Campania. The path of social adoption/ early parenthood support, promoted inside the regional strategic planning as the “three-year European programme of early prevention of rejection processes of children in lands and communities lagging behind on development” is a qualifying opportunity for the regional policy.

Concerning the planning of services and combined actions for families, the Guidelines for the period 2007-2009 – Cap. 3,3 envisage local educational home care services to support families and parenthood.