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The Ombudsman for Children and Teenagers

The Ombudsman for Children and Teenagers performs the following functions:

  • Supervision, through the relevant operators, of the implementation in the whole regional area of the International Convention on the Rights of the Child, 20 November 1989, New York, enacted and enforced by the law no. 176 of 27 May 1991, as well as of the European Convention on the Exercise of Children's Rights, Strasbourg, 25 January 1996 enacted and enforced by the law no. 77 of 20 March 2003;
  • Promotion, in cooperation with those authorities and institutions concerned with minors, of actions to spread a culture meant for children and teenagers, addressing the recognition of them as holders of rights;
  • Receiving reports about possible violation of children’s rights and notice the relevant administrations about the need of appropriate interventions to remove the reasons that cause them;
  • Supervision of the assistance rendered to minors hosted in nursing homes or in centres that are outside their families, reporting to the relevant authorities appropriate actions;
  • Promotion of initiatives on the occasion of the Italian Day for Children, established by the article 1 of the Law no. 451 of 23 December 1997, in agreement with the regional Council Presidency and the concerned authorities for social and educational services;
  • Promotion of the initiatives to protect the rights of minors, particularly dealing with the prevention and the handling of abuses, child labour and non-completion of school, in cooperation with local authorities, social private organizations and trade unions;
  • Reporting risk factors or damages for minors resulting from lacking environmental situations or urban, housing and healthcare unsuitable conditions;
  • Cooperation with the regional observatory for childhood in the collection and draft of regional data about children and teenagers;
  • Intervention in the administrative procedures of Regione and Local Authorities in compliance with art. 9 of the Law no. 241 of 7 August 1990, in case of risk factors;
  • Supervision of TV programming, press communication and all digital and audio-visual communication in order to protect minors, in cooperation with the CO.RE.COM;
  • Promotion and support of participation of minors in local community activities;
  • Cooperation for the development of a new urban culture, in agreement with the relevant regional Administration in order to obtain the compulsory establishment of playgrounds for children and teenagers in the Local General Town Plan;
  • Verification of conditions and actions addressing the reception and the inclusion of unaccompanied foreign minors.

The broad mandate and functions of the Ombudsman make it necessary to give it the utmost visibility and contact with citizens and institutions in order to render the best available services. Moreover, the website is a transparency tool of the activities carried out.

The Ombudsman for Children and Teenagers of Regione Campania - Phone number: +39(0)81/7783503 - 3843 - Fax:+39(0)81/7783576

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