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  • Vesuvio, New Red Zone Boundaries in the Official Journal

    This new marking of the area establishes that 700 thousand of people should be evacuated in case of eruption. Currently we have no signs for any imminent eruption – Mr Cosenza reported

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  • Civil Protection, New Regional System Introduced

    The latest and innovative resolutions have been presented to the partnership taskforce. Mr Cosenza said: "This is a new regional civil protection system". Mr Schifone: “This is a key action for a land such as Campania”.

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  • Hydrogeological Instability, New Operational Model Presented

    A technical help for Municipalities is thus guaranteed to assess risks in case of emergency. Mayors will benefit from the support of expert engineers and geologists trained for the prevention of landslides and floods- related events.

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  • Upland Authorities: Grants to be Paid

    Total amount is more than 3 million and 200 thousand Euros to be added to the already supplied 3 million and 300 thousand Euros of the beginning of the year. Regional Minister Sommese said: “Money due payment for 2012 has been completed”.

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  • Local Authorities, Associate Holding of Municipal Function Gets the Go-Ahead

    Union implementation is set by 1 January 2014. Minister Sommese stated: “We are working on a law text to find the best contexts”.

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  • Earthquake Risk, 19 Million € Allocated for Preventive Works

    Funds will be used for both public and private buildings interventions. The seismic micro-zoning activities will be also financed

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