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Agreement Reached about Salerno Coast

Agreement Reached about Salerno Coast

Two kilometres of coast make Mr. Caldoro and Mr. De Luca agree. The agreement was signed in Santa Lucia between the President of Regione and the Mayor of Salerno, with the consent of Regional Minister for Public Works Cosenza, for the beach fill of a section of the Salerno coast. More than 26 million Euros will be used for protection works of the coast in the section from Torre Angelara to the port of Marina di Arechi.

The project envisages works for protection and functional reorganization of the coast for a total expenditure of 26 million €, 15 for the coast protection works and 11 for the beach filling due to beach erosion caused by sea storms; these interventions aim at avoiding risks of collapses that could damage sites or individuals, as emerged during the joint inspection, carried out by Regione, Province, Municipality and Basin Authority at the end of January, on initiative of the Provincial Command of Carabinieri of Salerno.

Practically: Regione Campania commits itself to fund works under the operational objective “Implementation of safety settings in territories exposed to natural risks” while the Municipality will handle the implementation of the coast protection works. The protocol will apply till the completion of works and by and no later than 31 December 2015.

President Caldoro said: “We meet a request coming from the Municipality of Salerno. For the citizens’ safety and the promotion of the tourist bias of the city. The debate with the Municipality of Salerno about this issue confirms the institutional cooperation policy that Regione, in the midst of thousands of difficulties and complicated situations, carries on with Local Authorities”.

The Mayor of Salerno was very satisfied too: “Today’s agreement is the outcome of a remarkable institutional cooperation and makes it possible to release important resources for environmental protection, safety of citizens and buildings, and promotion of the tourist potentialities of the coast. The seafront is certainly the most important axis for the urban change that we are committed to perform with the contribution of important names of the international architectural world”.