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East Naples, Tenders for Parco della Marinella About to Start

East Naples, Tenders for Parco della Marinella About to Start

The call announcement concerning the realization of the “Parco della Marinella” in the eastern part of Naples was sent to the European Official Journal. Regional Minister Edoardo Cosenza, strategic coordinator of Major Projects and Councillor of the Municipality of Naples responsible for the sector Mario Calabrese announced it.

Works are worthy 6.4 million Euros and are included in the Major Project East Naples financed with 2007/2013 POR Regional European funds.

The intervention concerns the realization of a 30 thousand sq. metre urban Park in a blighted area.

Based on the final draft, the district will be equipped with a sport area in order to foster one of the few green areas of the city of Naples. Submissions to be delivered by next 25 October and the tender committee has already been called on the following 29 October.

Mr. Cosenza and Mr. Calabrese stated: “We go on quickly towards the upgrading of East Naples”.

The call sets forth restoration works of Via Marina from Corso Garibaldi to San Giovanni a Teduccio.

They concluded: “These works back up those already published in the European Official Journal for 15.5 million Euros (for urban and environmental upgrading of Via Galileo Ferraris, Via Brecce a Sant’Erasmo, Via Gianturco and Via Nuova delle Brecce); this is the outcome of the strong institutional cooperation between Regione Campania and the Municipality of Naples, achieved thanks to the relentless activity of the taskforce set up together with the Ministry for Economic Development and coordinated by Paola De Cesare”.