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Major Project Port of Salerno, Financial Coverage Reached

Major Project Port of Salerno, Financial Coverage Reached

Regional Minister Edoardo Cosenza, who has been made responsible for the strategic coordination of major projects by President Caldoro stated: “The extraordinary team work of Regione Campania, Port Authority of Salerno, Ministry’s task force and the European Union made us achieve an outstanding result: the financial coverage for the European Major Project has reached approximately 98%, keeping the State Aid for the Port Authority to approximately 2 million out of the total 73”.

Mr Cosenza added: “Shortly, tenders will start: in fact, the project has already obtained the National Environmental Impact Assessment. This is a big achievement for Salerno and Regione Campania. After the mission in Brussels at the end of February together with President Caldoro, we expect in a short time to get the go-ahead for the Major Project of the Port of Naples, for a total amount of 156 million €”.