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Major Projects, 145 Million € Interventions Put out to Tender

Major Projects, 145 Million € Interventions Put out to Tender

Calls concerning contracts of Section 1 and 2 of the Major Project Blue Flag of the Domitian Coast and of those included in the Phlegrean Lakes Major Project were published. Works put out to tender are worthy 145 million €.

The last call was published on 11 June and concerned interventions of 44 million € for purification and sewage systems of the Municipalities of Cellole, Sessa Aurunca, Carinola and Francolise. This call backs up that published at the end of May for approximately 36 Million € that envisaged sewage adjustments in the Municipalities of Villa Literno, Castelvolturno and Mondragone.

Both calls deal with the Major Project Blue Flag of the Domitian Coast. The implementing party is Arcadis and its total value is 80 million €.

The Prefettura of Caserta is the contracting authority, through its Superintendence of Public Works, to whom Arcadis transferred activities through a Memorandum of Understanding.

The remaining 65 million € are included in the Major project for Environmental Rehabilitation and promotion of Phlgrean Fields whose beneficiary parties are the Phlegran Municipalities and that envisaged important infrastructure interventions in the Municipalities of Pozzuoli, Bacoli, Monte di Procida and Quarto, such as hydrological recovery of lake basins Averno and Lucrino through phyto-purification systems. The call was published in the European Journal.

All calls will close within the end of August and the beginning of September – Edoardo Cosenza, Regional Minister responsible for strategic coordination of Major Projects, as appointed by President Caldoro, pointed out.

Regional Minister for Environment of Regione Campania Giovanni Romano was very satisfied, too.

Mr. Romano highlighted: “Regione is making all efforts to protect environment: interventions of 212 million € set forth by the Cipe (interministerial Committee for Economic Planning) resolution, as well as those actions of 13 million € for the Major former Hydrogest Purification Plants entrusted to Commissioner Nicola Dell’Acqua; these actions together will lead to the coast recovery”.

Through many of these interventions, it will be possible to overcome the real challenge of the Executive Board led by Caldoro, which is the actual “reconquest” of the coast that goes from Pozzuoli to Baia Domizia. The calls are included in the broader strategy implemented by the Regional Executive Board led by Caldoro, that has at its core the sea”. 5 Major Projects in total with this target for an overall value of 565 million €: besides the Major Projects of Blue Flag of the Domitian Coast and Environmental Rehabilitation and promotion of Phlegrean Fields, Major Projects called “Environmental Rehabilitation and promotion of Regi Lagni”, “Environmental Rehabilitation of the Water Bodies of the internal areas” and “Environmental Rehabilitation of the Water Bodies of the Province of Salerno” affect the improvement of bathing and seaside.

Mr. Romano and Mr. Cosenza concluded: “A total of more than 790 million Euros are available for the enhancement of the coast and sea waters”.