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Major Projects for Naples Urban Upgrading

Major Projects for Naples Urban Upgrading

Regional Minister for Public Works of Campania Edoardo Cosenza, responsible for strategic coordination of Major Projects, as appointed by President Caldoro, met the newly appointed Councillor of the Municipality of Naples responsible for this sector Mario Calabrese.

During the meeting, they took stock of the situation concerning the Major projects about the Municipal territory, whose beneficiary is the Municipality of Naples. The aim is to speed up the starting of contracts.

In details, technical issues about upgrading of roads in Fuorigrotta, for 20 million € under the Major Project of the Conference Centre – Mostra d’Oltremare were examined. Moreover, urban upgrading of roads in the Inner City of Naples was discussed and a 30 million € allocation under the Unesco Major Project envisaged, and, finally, road and sewage works in East Naples were debated (207 million €).

Technical meetings have been scheduled, to be held with the participation of regional and municipal executives, to start over the next weeks the first calls concerning roads of Fuorigrotta and East Naples.

Edoardo Cosenza and Mario Calabrese stated: “The strong cooperation between the two concerned institutions, that is the natural prolongation of years of shared academic work, is a major strength for the implementation of works and for schedule compliance”.

They added: “This is how we will be able to seize to our best the chance given by European funds to create jobs, enhance the quality of life in the city as well as infrastructures, and fostering then tourism and new production settlements”.