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Major Projects, New Go-Ahead by European Union

Major Projects, New Go-Ahead by European Union

New go-ahead by the European Union to 19 Major Projects of Regione Campania. Regional Minister for Public Works of Campania Edoardo Cosenza, responsible for the strategic coordination of Major Projects, as appointed by President Stefano Caldoro, said: “This is another acknowledgment for the commitment of Regione and for its big organisational job”.

Mr. Cosenza added: “Regione moved up regarding the European Commission schedule, since we signed several decrees concerning eligible application to EU funds aiming at making works start as soon as possible”. He added: “The call announcement for works of the first tender concerning the Major Project Blue Flag of the Domitian Coast has been already sent to the European Official Journal”.

He concluded: “President Caldoro and his Executive Board are firmly committed to spend everything, properly, creating jobs and development for all the areas of Campania, from the sea resource.”