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Salerno, Call for Water Treatment in Internal Areas

Salerno, Call for Water Treatment in Internal Areas

The tendering procedure concerning Group 2 of the Major Project “Environmental Rehabilitation of surface water bodies of the Province of Salerno” was published in the Official Journal of the European Union.

The amount of works put out to tender is 10 million 911 thousand Euros. The Project Beneficiary is the Province of Salerno and the Contracting Authority is the Superintendence of Public Works for Campania and Molise.

The group put out to tender is the area of Calore, Testene and Alento and envisages waterworks and sewage operations as well as purification for the Municipalities of Acquara, Agropoli, Laurino, Monteforte Cilento, Perdifumo, Giungano.

Submissions to be delivered by 21 October at 12.00.

Regional Minister Edoardo Cosenza, strategic coordinator of Major Projects stated: “The publication of these calls made 6 Major Projects officially start in the last two months and a half. The total amount of published calls is 330 million € concerning Major Projects Blue flag- Domitian Coast, Phlegrean Lakes, Broad band, East Naples and Internal Areas Purification, besides this. The Regional Executive Board is making any effort to keep to the schedule and it is also carrying on a coordination action with the beneficiary authorities, namely the implementing parties of the works.”

He concluded: “I am very satisfied with the time schedule adherence, that is a step forward for the improvement of the sea as a resource: 4 of the projects put out to tender concern purification, for a total of 187 million Euros”.

Regional Minister for Environment of Campania Giovanni Romano said: “The Major Project concerning rehabilitation of surface water bodies of the Province of Salerno is worth a total of 89 million 858 thousand Euros and has a high environmental value for the Province of Salerno with its strong bias towards the seaside tourism. Just think about the two territorial systems of the Amalfi and the Cilento Coast. The works envisaged by this Major Project focus on the improvement of the quality of sea waters through root actions, from the internal areas that often have sewage networks and purification systems to adjust. Shortly, further works will start in several contexts included in the Major Project. Along with these works, other works envisaged through the use of Cipe (Interministerial Committee for Economic Planning) funds will start, such as the adjustment of the purification plant in Capaccio – Paestum that is worthy 10 million €. And this is a further demonstration of the carefulness shown by the Regional Executive Board led by President Caldoro to the regional internal areas with its planning and concrete actions that, in this case, concern the Province of Salerno and its sea resource.