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Trunk Road Vesuvio SS 268, Executive Project Approved

Trunk Road Vesuvio SS 268, Executive Project Approved

The ANAS Board of Directors approved the executive design of the Trunk Road Vesuvio SS 268. Shortly, works will start.

Executive design was drafted under the consolidated contract entrusted by ANAS, the project beneficiary and, thus, the implementing party of the works, through an ad-hoc European tender.

Regional Minister Edoardo Cosenza, coordinator of Major Projects stated: “We are fully complying with the set time schedule and we aim at welding the big ring around Vesuvio by the Angri junction that unites the SS (trunk road) Vesuvio 268 with the motorway: this is crucial for the emergency Vesuvio plan set up by the Civil Protection Agency. The Major project is financed by European funds for 54 million Euros.”