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Special Commissioner Appointed of Social Authorities C2 and C3

Special Commissioner Appointed of Social Authorities C2 and C3

Ermanno Russo commented on the appointment of the Special Commissioner for the two incompliant Authorities of the area of Caserta, whose procedure had been proposed by him to the Regional Executive Board: "By publishing in today’s Official Journal (BURC) the appointment decree of Luigi Di Marco as Special Commissioner for the Territorial Social Authorities C2 and C3, the Regional Executive Board handles the welfare governance in the province of Caserta, too, entrusting a Judge from the Court of Auditors with the task to recover the management of local services”.

"Substitute powers, as envisaged by the article no. 47 of the regional law no. 11 of 2007 was necessary to guarantee to citizens essential levels of services as for social rights, that concerning with the social territorial Authorities led by Casal di Principe and Succivo seemed to be particularly endangered”.

“Concerning the C2 Authority, the Local Social Plan had been adopted but did not have its own FUA (Consolidated Authority Fund), resulting in considerable damages to services. On the other hand, dealing with the C3 Authority, associated Municipalities did not even succeed in adopting the three-year Local Plan”.

Regional Minister Russo added: "In both cases, Offices have anyway reported incompliances to the Territorial Authorities and set the deadline of 30 days, as envisaged by the regional law, to adopt and transmit the operational details previously sent to Municipalities. The deadline expiry and the assessment of lack of delay justification led Regione Campania, by resolution of the Executive Board approved on my proposal, to take action through substitute powers, after having heard from the incompliant authority. Today it has appointed, through the President’s decree published in the Official Journal (BURC), a commissioner who will have the task of providing citizens with certainties about fundamental levels of local social services.

The Regional Minister concluded: “After the Municipality of Naples, that was incompliant too and supported by a special commissioner, Regione continues its action, started for the first time in Campania by the Regional Executive Board led by President Caldoro, to renew local service welfare governance through its interventions on these two Territorial Authorities of the area of Caserta”.