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  • Giffoni Experience, Preview of 2014 Edition

    Cinema and more: world premieres, monographic exhibitions, music marathons. This is Giffoni Experience, the international event for kids, to be held in Giffoni Valle Piana from 18 to 27 July.

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  • Regione Campania, Caldoro: “We Back Businesses, Research and Innovation”

    The closure of the ring of the Underground Line 1, Campania system of districts, Jeremie funds to back businesses: these were the main topics of the statements made by President of Regione Campania in Palazzo Santa Lucia.

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  • Naples Underground, Caldoro: "Ring of Line 1 Closed"

    The President of Regione Campania made a statement about the closure of the ring of Line 1 of the Underground of Naples in Palazzo Santa Lucia.

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  • Caldoro Attended Presentation of Sports Law

    President of Regione Campania Stefano Caldoro spoke at the CONI (Italian National Olympic Committee) on the occasion of the Conference to present the Regional Framework Law and stated: “We intend to set a good example in sports, too”.

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  • A Debate on Development of South Italy with Caldoro, Tajani and Squinzi at Città della Scienza

    “A new season of industrial policies- For South Italy, for the future of the Country”. This is the name of the conference sponsored by Unione Industriali (Employers’ Association) of Naples, held at the Newton Conference Room of Città della Scienza in Naples.

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  • Land of Fires, Caldoro Met Don Patriciello and Citizens' Associations

    President of Regione Campania Stefano Caldoro met the representatives of the committees of the Municipalities of the so-called Land of Fires in Caivano. The meeting, arranged by Don Maurizio Patriciello focused on the assessment of the recent decree enacted by Government.

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