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  • Healthcare, Caldoro Attended Presentation of PET CT at Moscati Hospital of Avellino

    President of Regione Campania Stefano Caldoro stated: “Quality, appropriateness of treatments, ability to ensure rights to patients. These are the conditions for a good healthcare”.

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  • Cilento, Caldoro: “With Mayors to Accelerate Expenditure and Methane Installation”

    Meeting in Palazzo Santa Lucia, with the Mayors of the Cilento area. On the agenda, the acceleration of expenditure, the actions to implement to gain access to resources, and the methane installation.

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  • Caldoro at Seminar on Training and Scientific Research

    President of Regione Campania Stefano Caldoro has participated in the seminar “Knowledge Is Culture” arranged by Elaborando – Reforming Cultural Association at the Department of Law of the Federico II University of Naples.

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  • New Production Line of EMA Plant Opened in Morra de Sanctis

    The new area of the plant Europea Microfusioni Aerospaziali, a Rolls Royce company, designed to build components of the most up-to-date aeronautical and industrial engines of the market has been opened.

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  • Music Project, Caldoro: “Youth at the Core of Actions Implemented by Regione and Curia”

    A single project with a double aim: making young people of the poorest areas of Naples and its province get closer to music and, at the same time, promoting the cultural and artistic assets of the involved districts.

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  • Forum of Cultures, Presentation at Teatro San Carlo

    Cultural diversity and sustainable development. These are the ingredients of the Universal Forum of Cultures recipe, to be held over the next spring in Campania.

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