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  • Healthcare, Caldoro: “Refresher Courses Fundamental for Those Working in Field of Addictions”

    A two-day training for the workers of the field of addictions. President of Regione Campania Stefano Caldoro opened the course.

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  • “Salva Imprese” Decree, Payments of Previous Debts Get Go-Ahead

    It is called “Businesses Rescue Decree” (decree law no. 35) and it is part of the general financial recovery plan of Regione Campania. One billion and a half about to arrive to pay previous debts of Regione from 1988 to date.

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  • Meeting of Provinces of the South, Caldoro: “First, Reform of the Regions’”

    The meeting of the Provinces of the South has taken place in the Cloister of Santa Maria La Nova in Naples. On the agenda, the “Provisions for Metropolitan cities, provinces, unions and mergers of Municipalities” bill enacted by Government.

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  • Healthcare, Hospice of Salerno Opened

    “La Casa di Lara” Hospice of the Local Health Unit of Salerno, another option different from home care mainly for patients affected by advanced end-stage neoplasia who have no indication for further treatments, has been opened.

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  • Caldoro: “Campania is the First Italian Region as for Employment Policies”

    President of the Regional Executive Board of Campania Stefano Caldoro spoke during the planning conference of the Campania UGL held at the Stazione Marittima of Naples.

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  • Monaldi Hospital, Caldoro: “New 3D Operating Theatres"

    Three new cutting-edge operating theatres, technologically advanced for 3D surgeries. President of Regione Campania Stefano Caldoro has followed the first surgery carried out in the new theatres of the Monaldi Hospital in Naples.

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