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  • Confindustria Caserta, Caldoro: “C'è un problema Paese ma il Paese deve ascoltare di più il Mezzogiorno”

    Lavorare tutti insieme per uscire dal momento difficile che sta vivendo il Paese. L’assemblea dei soci di Confindustria Caserta è stata l’occasione per discutere di proposte effettive per rilanciare l’economia in Terra di Lavoro.  

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  • Ischia Award, Caldoro: “An Event Well Representing Our Land”

    A cultural in-depth analysis and tourist promotion: this is the core of the International Journalism Ischia Award (4 – 6 July) as confirmed by President of Regione Campania, Stefano Caldoro. 

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  • Naples in Shanghai, Caldoro: "Companies at the Core of the Most Remarkable B2B Italian Action"

    The presentation meeting for the economic mission "Napoli a Shanghai - Loro di Napoli" was held at the Unione Industriali (Italian Employers’ Federation) premises of Naples.

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  • Mafia and Economy in Castel Capuano, Caldoro: “United Front to Fight Camorra”

    A debate dedicated to mafia and economy, with many speakers on the relation between mafia resources and weaknesses of the economy in the areas ruled by organized crime.

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  • Broadband, Caldoro: "Campania the First Region to Cover its Land with High Speed Internet"

    By 2015 we will be the only Italian region with 99% of its land covered by high-speed Internet - President Caldoro said at the press conference to present the scheduled works in Campania. 

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  • EU Funds, Caldoro: “First Region in Italy for Regional Operational Programme Fund Commitment”

    Bankitalia Study Centre says Campania is the first region in Italy for the committment of POR (Regional Operative Programme) funds. Caldoro: "An extraordinary work in partnership with local authorities, trade unions and companies.”

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