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  • Members of Regional Council Downsizing, Caldoro: “A Good Sign Citizens will Appreciate"

    "A good sign citizens will appreciate!” President of Regione Campania Stefano Caldoro commented on the downsizing of the Members of the Council (from 60 to 50) and of the Regional Ministers (from 12 to 10). 

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  • EU Funds, Caldoro: “Campania Makes up for Delay, More Supervisions and Measures to Speed up"

    President Stefano Caldoro attended the conference "Towards Europe 2020. The 2014-2020 planning for cohesion policies" held on the opening day of the PA Forum 2013 Edition. 

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  • Mostra d’Oltremare, Caldoro: “Today a Step Forward to Revamp Facility”

    A four star hotel inside the area of Mostra d'Oltremare of Naples. The accommodation facility with 106 rooMs., pride of the wider project called “Grande Progetto Mostra d'Oltremare” has been opened. 

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  • Mostra d'Oltremare, Teatro dei Piccoli Opened

    Ribbon’s cutting for the new theatre given back to the city and youth for the development of the Neapolitan art.

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  • Healthcare, Caldoro: “Extraordinary Outcome on Catching Up Delays of Payment”

    A positive aspect exists. And CGIA of Mestre recorded it since certified the best performance of Campania for shortening payment time for the first three months of 2013.  

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  • 61st Meeting of Bersaglieri, Caldoro: “Corps that Unite”

    President of Regione Campania Stefano Caldoro attended the 61st meeting of Bersaglieri held in Salerno. 

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