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  • Transport in Naples, Montecalvario Station Opening

    President of Regione Campania Stefano Caldoro commented on the opening of the Montecalvario underground station: “This is a work that unify a political generation. It is designed for citizens and is the result of a major common effort”.

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  • Education, Caldoro: “500 million Euros for Actions in Support of Campania Schools”

    The so called “Progetto Mille Scuole” is the biggest public investment of Regione Campania as President of the regional Government Stefano Caldoro has stated this morning.

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  • Casal di Principe, Caldoro: “Memorandum with Ministry for Education on Re-use of Confiscated Assets ”

    The school year 2013/2014 has started with President of Regione Campania, Stefano Caldoro, and Minister for Education, University and Research, Maria Chiara Carrozza.

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  • Parthenope University, Student Accommodation Opened

    Governor Caldoro inaugurated the new student accommodation of the Parthenope University of Naples. 

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  • Caldoro: "Campania, Benchmark for Re-use of Confiscated Criminal Assets"

    "The visit of Pittella is the institutional message that Campania is a beanchmark for good practices of re-use of confiscated camorra assets". These were the words of President of Regione Campania Stefano Caldoro about the legality tour. 

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  • Healthcare, Resources Released for August Salaries

    President of Regione Campania Stefano Caldoro has met journalists to take stock of the situation following a meeting in the Prefettura after resources from the Asl (Local Health Authorities) had been frozen.          

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