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  • Mediterranean Diet, Caldoro. "Positive Culture to Give Tourism New Lease of Life in Usa too"

    President of Regione Campania Stefano Caldoro chose Pollica, pride of the Cilento area, to make the region become a leader area of the Mediterranean Diet, recognized as Unesco world heritage.

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  • Summer School at Tarì, Caldoro: “Fashion and Jewellery, Two Sectors of Excellence for Campania”

    Training pattern makers, professionals able to create patterns based on the designer’s sketches: this is the aim of the Tarì project presented at the Head Office of the Regional Government. 

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  • Capri, New Energy Networking Go-Ahead

    Capri will be electrically connected to the rest of Italy. The beginning of operations has been announced by Mayor Ciro Lembo and by Terna CEO Flavio Cattaneo. President of Regione Campania Stefano Caldoro attended the conference. 

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  • Critical areas, Caldoro: "150million Euros for development and employment"

    “It has been a very long work performed together with the business and the trade unions’ world”. With such words President of Regione Campania Stefano Caldoro explained the decision of the Executive Board to allocate 150 million Euros out of the Action and Cohesion Plan.

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  • Ravello Festival, Programme Presented and Agreement for Cultural Production Centre Signed

    A press conference to present 2013 edition of the Ravello Festival. 70 days of programmes and more than 40 events. For a journey through music, dance, literature, sciences and visual arts. From 29 June to 7 September.  

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  • Disaster Contingency Plans, 15 Million Euros for Town Planning

    Planning and preventing earthquake risk. This is the meaning of the provisions of the regional Executive Resolution that allocates 15 million Euros under Community funds to support Provinces and Municipalities in drafting disaster contingency plans.

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