Air is one of the elements that most interact with life on Earth, and its quality is a decisive factor for human wellbeing and for ecosystems.
The Legislative Decree n. 155/2010 – which assimilates the directive 2008/50/CE on ambient air quality and for a purer air in Europe – has instituted a unitary normative framework on the evaluation and management of ambient air quality.
Lies with the Regions the evaluation of the quality of ambient air, the classification of the regional territory into “zones” and “conglomerates”, as well as the elaboration of plans and programmes directed to the preservation of ambient air quality, when it is good, and to its improvement in the other cases.
Regione Campania fulfils the function of governing and controlling air quality in an overall and integrated way, for the improvement of the quality of life, the protection of the environment and of the life forms that it contains, and in order to guarantee a legitimate use of the territory.
Air pollution is controlled through the air quality monitoring network managed by ARPA Campania, which daily publishes the results of the readings of the monitoring stations on its website.
The air quality detection system consists of twenty control units situated in the regional territory; cabins are plugged in the electric supply network and in the commutated telephone line. Find data here.
Regione Campania has adopted a Regional Plan for reclamation and preservation of air quality, approved by the Regional Executive Board Resolution n. 167 of 14.02.2006 and published in BURC, special number of 5.10.07, with the amendments approved by the Regional Council on 27.06.2007.