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Soil protection is based on the knowledge of the territory and aims to prevent hydrogeological instability, which may represent a risk for public and private safety, and also damage the qualitative and quantitative features of water and soil resources.

The regional territory is divided into hydrographic basins of national, interregional and regional interest; activities for planning, organisation, and implementation of the actions are carried out by the respective Basin Authorities.

The Soil Protection Sector:

  • handles relationships with Basin Authorities;
  • subsidizes actions on the territory related to works for hydrogeological defence and layout;
  • has the task of elaborating procedural rules on blocking and lay-out works falling within regional competence;
  • controls the acceleration of expense in the actions for soil protection during the realization phase;
  • carries out geological studies in the field of National Geological Cartography Projects and Inventory of Landslide Phenomena in Italy of the National Geological Service;
  • takes part with a technical and scientific function in the activities of the Regional System of Civil Protection in pre-emergency and emergency phases.


Click here to see the web pages dedicated to the soil protection sector of Regione Campania.