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The Environmental Authority of Regione Campania, considered the European Structural Funds 2000-2006, guarantees the integration of the environmental dimension in the processes of definition, implementation, monitoring and political assessment, development plans and programmes. According to EU strategic trends, European systems and regional and national steering documents, it is pursued the line for sustainable development in regional policy during the planning period 2007-2013.

For the European planning 2007-2013 the Environmental Authority guarantees also the proper application of the procedure of Strategic Environmental Assessment (VAS), in accordance with the Directive 2001/42/CE on the assessment of the effects of certain plans and programmes on environmental issues.

In addition, the Environmental Authority takes part in the National Environmental Network, in contributing to the activities of in-depths analysis of specific problems and of elaboration of technical and methodological directions pertaining the environmental aspects of the programme’s actions.

The duties assigned to the Environmental Authority are the following:

• promoting and verifying the integration of the environmental element in all the action sectors of the EU Funds, in order to guarantee the coherence with the strategies and actions proposed in the planning documents for an eco-sustainable development, in conformity with OSCs (Order on Civil Status) and QSNs (National Strategic Framework), as well as the respect of EU and national environment legislation;

• offering cooperation to the Managing Authorities, as well as to all the organizations concerned, as it can take advantage, according to necessity, of specific professionals’ support;
• cooperating with the organizations in charge of the preparation of the planning documentation and of the following implementation acts, as well as, during the whole realization process, of programme monitoring and evaluation;
• cooperating, as far as it is concerned, with the planning and managing Authorities of the plans and programmes co-financed by EU Funds in the application of the Directive 2001/42/CE (related to the Strategic Environment Assessment - VAS). The Environmental Authority participates in the works of the Monitoring Committee and of the national network of Environmental Authorities.



Supervisor: Antonio Risi – Telephone: 081/796-2700

Address: via Bracco, 15/A - 80133 Napoli (NA)
Telephone: 081/796-2118
Telephone: 081/5513322

Fax: 081/2514125


SUPPORT OFFICES – Technical Assistance ROP (Regional Operational Programme) ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) 2007/2013 and NOP (National Operational Programme) GAT (Governance and Technical Assistance) POAT (Technical Assistance Operational Project) Line 3

General Coordination Area 05 – Ecology, Environment Protection, Environmental clean-up, Civil Protection - Sector 02 Environment Protection



3° floor via Bracco, 15/A - 80133 Napoli

Telephone: 081/796-2118 - 081/5513322

Fax: 081/2514125

Antonio Risi (Supervisor)

SUPPORT OFFICES – Technical Assistance ROP (Regional Operational Programme) ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) 2007/2013 and NOP (National Operational Programme) GAT (Governance and Technical Assistance) POAT (Technical Assistance Operational Project) Linea 3


Pierfrancesco Fighera

Legal and Economic Area

Teresa Daniela Alaia

Melania Rosaria Romano

Plant engineering-infrastructural-territorial-analytical Area

Giuseppe Luongo

Nature Area

Alice Palestino

Luigi Gelli

Ferdinando D’Argenio