The fumaroles in Scafarea di Giugliano in Campania area, at the ex-Resit, are definitely extinguished. The works lasted 20 days, as the Commissioner Mario De Biase said.
The site for the extinguishment of the refuse internal combustion of the North-East part of Cave X in the ex-Resit area was opened on the past 12 July.
In the next days, as already happened for the safety settings of the ex-Resit dump, Sogesid S.p.a. is going to publish the call for tender for the works “emergency safety settings of Masseria del Pozzo-Schiavi” and “emergency safety settings of the Novambiente dump”.
Furthemore, the tender for the extraction, the transportation and the disposal of the percolate produced by the “Masseria del Pozzo” dump will be published shortly.
Also, the second campaign for monitoring the aquifer’s water will be undertaken in September, with the taking of specific samples from 165 wells of the so-called “Area Vasta”.
The extraction activities of the percolate produced by the dump ex Resit-Cave X and Cave Z will continue without intermission in August and September.
The Commissioner De Biase expressed his gratitude to the company Geoproject, trustee of the works, and to its workers, for their competency and the rapidity in their work, which was concluded before the time envisaged in the call for tender.