In the presence of the Regional Minister for the Environment Giovanni Romano, the regional partnership table met for the waste prevention plan, aimed to obtain a reduction at the source of the quantities produced and at their reuse.
Also the Minister for the Environment and numerous stakeholders, among public authorities and associations, attended the meeting.
“I express my satisfaction for the hard job carried out by the regional offices: a job that has been possible thanks to the Regional Administration’s internal resources”, said the Regional Minister Romano.
The strategic planning exploits two instruments to reach the goal: an economical instrument and a psychological one. The first is activated directly by measures for subsidizing the healthy practice of waste reduction ex ante with bonuses or money savings; the second, on the other hand, aims at a cultural change, fostering new life and consumption styles, in favour of a reuse of goods.
In order to do so the Regional Executive Board has allocated 30 million Euros for the realization of 14 “positive” actions – which differ according to the material – considered in the Plan.
In contributing to the waste reduction at the source, that means reducing its production, it will also be possible to revise the Regional Plan for urban waste management as for plant equipment.
“The Plan represents a milestone for the environmental governance: Campania is the first region in Italy to have such an operating instrument”, Romano concluded.