Regione Campania, within its competences, elaborates, approves and updates the Regional Plan for the reclamation of polluted areas; it possesses the databases of the Registry and Census of the potentially contaminated sites, and it looks after their updating at least annually, or any time it is necessary. It also takes care of its uploading to the web, deciding the modalities for the consultation by other public and private users, and specifying the access procedures; it communicates to the Municipality responsible of the territory the addition of a site to the Registry; it annually approves the Action Funding Programme; it provides grants up to 100% of total amounts to public subjects which make interventions to implement safety measures, reclamations and environmental clean-ups of public areas or for public consumption, identified in the Regional Reclamation Plan; it receives notices according to paragraph 1 of art. 242 and paragraph 2 of art. 245 of the Legislative Decree 152/2006 and subsequent modifications and integrations by the subjects responsible for the pollution, by the owners or the administrators of the area; also, it receives notifications according to art. 244 of the Legislative Decree 152/2006 and subsequent modifications and integrations of the Public Administrations which, in the exercise of their duties, ascertain levels of contaminations above CSC (Contamination Threshold Concentration); it summons the Services Conference, within which it approves and authorizes the characterisation plan, the risk analysis report, the monitoring plan, the results of the monitoring activity and the operational project for reclamation or for operational or permanent safety setting.
It realizes actions charging the obligated subjects, in case of their non-fulfilment, if the contaminated site stretches across the territory of more than one Municipality, according to the priority order fixed by the PRB (Regional Reclamation Plan) and according to financial availability; it substitutes for the defaulting Municipality with relation to actions charged to the obligated subjects, providing for the fulfilments of title V part IV Legislative Decree 152/2006 and subsequent modifications and integrations, according to the priority order fixed by the PRB and according to financial availability; it gives the agreement to the Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea for the identification of sites of national interest, implementing art. 252 of the Legislative Decree 152/2006 and subsequent modifications and integrations. It issues a certificate of reclamation confirmation when the Province does not provide for it within thirty days as provided for by paragraph 13 of art. 242 of the Legislative Decree 152/2006 and subsequent modifications and integrations; it takes part in the Services Conferences at MATTM (Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea), for the approval of characterisation plans, risk analysis reports, monitoring plans, results of the monitoring activity and operational projects for reclamation, or for operational or permanent safety setting of areas falling within the perimeter of sites of national interest.