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  • Major Projects, 32 Million € Call for Purification in Province of Benevento

    Interventions address environmental rehabilitation of water bodies. Regional Minister Cosenza: “Key role for a proper functioning of the purification plants in areas with a high natural value”

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  • East Naples, Tenders for Parco della Marinella About to Start

    The call announcement for 6 million and 400 thousand Euros funded under 2007/2013 POR Regional European resources was sent to the European Official Journal. Submissions to be delivered by next 25 October

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  • Major Project Sarno River, Green Light by Central Campania Basin Authority

    The project is one of the first to be examined. Works have been found to be compatible with the new plan regulating the more urgent aspects of the hydrogeological structure and of the coast conservation for the territory under the responsibility of the former Basin Authority of the Sarno river

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  • East Naples, Call Published for More than 15 million Euros

    The call for tender sets forth the urban and environmental upgrading of Via Galileo Ferraris, Via Brecce a Sant'Erasmo, Via Gianturco and Via Nuova delle Brecce. Works are included in the Major projects of East Naples

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  • Vallo di Diano Landslides, surveys on the “Provinciale 342”

    The interventions will be made both by using laser scanners and by using geologists – rock climbers. Within two months we will obtain the full picture of the endangered rocky cliffs.

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  • Sarno River, Dredging Re-started

    Interventions had been suspended due to the finding of pieces of asbestos cement. Regional Minister Cosenza: “We will limit overflows in the section between Scafati and Castellammare”

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