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  • CamBack: Against Brain Drain from Campania

    If you are a young talented young boy or girl who works abroad and has decided to come back, you can join “CAM BACK – Talenti Campani A/R”, the cognitive survey on the migration phenomenon and on the remedies that are necessary to avoid brain drain.

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  • Management Training for Young Graduates

    Registrations open for the “Master in Operations Management – M.O.M.”, sponsored by the “Specialized Centre for Higher Education of the Campania Aeronautical Industry Division”. The Master’s programme, which represents one of the various activities promoted by the Centre, is destined to 25...

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  • Youth Policies, Cooperation with Europe for employment

    The European Commission – DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion – has approved, within the European Programme PROGRESS, the project called “Youth4JOB”, of which the Youth Policies Sector of Regione Campania is a partner.

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  • Training Camp for Young Public Administrators

    Training Camp’s second edition starts off, the school for young administrators founded by Anci Campania, in cooperation with the Regional Administration for Local Autonomies.

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  • Talents from Campania, Go-ahead for the project CamBack

    Regione Campania launches “CAM BACK – Talenti Campani A/R”, a cognitive survey on the migration phenomenon related to young people from Campania who leave the region in search of education and job opportunities.

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  • Youth Policies. Scholarships for the Programme Training Around - ONE

    Within the Programme Training Around – ONE it is possible to apply for a scholarship to attend an unpaid educational and orientation traineeship, for a period of at least three months in foreign institutes, bodies and firms.

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