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  • Festival dell'Europa - Concorso di idee

    Regione Campania calls a competition for high-school students of Campania, aimed at the realisation of a storyboard, a video, a photograph and a poster.

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  • OrientaSud - il salone delle opportunità

    The XIII edition of the fair dedicated to university orientation will take place from 11 to 13 October at the Maritime Station of Naples.

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  • Competition for the International Year of Water Cooperation and World Water Day

    The World Water Day will take place on 22 March with the aim of focus international attention on the importance of a sustainable management of water resources. For the occasion UN-Water has announced a competition for the creation of a slogan related to the aim of the awareness campaign.

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  • Researchers’ Night 2012

    The "Researchers' Night 2012" on Friday 20 September at the University of Salerno

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  • Italian Cultural Institute of New York: Young Filmmaker Prize

    The Italian Cultural Institute of New York announces a contest for young Italian filmmakers.

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  • Work-Experience at the Judicial Office of Regione Campania

    Active calls of Universities in Campania

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